Page 119 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
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                                      S E E T H E

                             W H O L E P I C T U R E

                But   be  pre pa red    for   the  p ic t ure  to  cha nge

                   ome people have tunnel vision. When they look, they see only
               Scertain parts of the picture, not the entire picture. When
               you’re passionate or intensely focused, it’s easy to miss what’s
               directly in front of you or misinterpret what you see. When you
               don’t see the whole picture, you are more likely to head in the
               wrong direction; make mistakes; and waste your time, energy, and
                   Avoid this by calling on your team—key employees, advisors,
               friends, and mentors. Your team can help you see the whole pic-
               ture. They may have expertise, insights, or sensibilities that you
               lack. Surround yourself with top people, enlist their input, and
               listen to their advice.
                   A group of businesspeople proposed building an atrium on
               the ground floor of 40 Wall Street. According to their vision,

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