Page 123 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 123


                WA I T F O R T H E R I G H T P I T C H

                          Busine ss    s ucce ss  is  al l  about

                                patie nce    a nd  timing

                     iming is everything. Products are now rushed to market at
               Trecord speed, often before they’re ready, so companies can
               make a big splash and cash in quickly. If companies wait, they
               know that a competitor might produce the same item faster,
               cheaper, or better. So the product is rushed to market.
                   However, good timing involves more than just being first. It’s
               also about choosing the right opportunities. In business, the main
               objective is to produce a string of hits and have your company
               survive. Although speed is tempting because it can mean big and
               quick profits, it can also cause early exits. So wait for the right
               deal; think about the long term, which requires planning,
               patience, and discipline.
                   Over the years, I’ve watched and played lots of tennis, and
               I’ve been fascinated by the remarkable timing of the best players.

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