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T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

                         I N S I S T  O N P E R F E C T I O N

                           When The Apprentice was nominated for an Emmy
                  Award as the best reality show of 2005, I attended the
                  ceremonies in Los Angeles.
                  As part of the
                  entertainment, the
                  producers asked me to sing
                  the theme song from Green
                  Acres with Megan Mullally
                  while I wore overalls and a
                  straw hat and held a
                  pitchfork. Now, this was a
                  stretch for me, completely
                  out of character, but I
                  agreed because I knew it
                  would be fun, even though
                  I have never mistaken      Donald J. Trump with Megan Mullally at
                  myself for Elvis or        the Emmy Awards.
                  Pavarotti.                 Photo courtesy of NBC Universal.
                    Throughout my performance, my focus was on building
                  good will for The Apprentice. While singing and dressing in
                  costume are clearly not what I do, I took the challenge and
                  gave everyone a good laugh. It was terrific fun, everyone
                  loved it, and we got wonderful press. Surprisingly, I even
                  won the talent award that night.
                    If I had not been flexible or a good sport, I would have
                  missed a golden opportunity to have fun, amuse others, and
                  create some buzz. I enjoyed getting out of character, doing
                  something different, surprising people, and making them
                  laugh. Don’t be inflexible and let great chances pass you by.

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