Page 127 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 127


                      AV O I D F I X E D PAT T E R N S

                               Be   ope n  a nd   f lexi ble

                       hen I was building Trump Tower, I planned to call it
               W Tiffany Tower because it is next to the landmark Tiffany
               & Co. store on Fifth Avenue in New York City. Then a friend
               asked why I would name my building after a famous jewelry store
               when it was my building. He made a good point, so I changed the
               name to Trump Tower. Now, Trump Tower has become a cele-
               brated site in its own right—a destination and a name that people
               recognize. It pays to listen and to be willing to change.
                   At times, you must be obstinate and tough or business preda-
               tors will eat you alive. However, you must also know when to
               change and be flexible. If you insist on following fixed patterns, it
               can limit you and your future. Everything changes and virtually
               nothing goes according to plan. So when changes occur, as they
               will, you must adapt, change, and even make U-turns.

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