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P. 147

T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

               hard and not what I want to do. However, that’s my job. My team
               looks to me for direction, taking my cues and following my lead.
                   Effective leaders develop individual tempos and utilize them.
               Your tempo is like an inner metronome that constantly keeps
               time. It should never stop—even when the world is exploding
               around you. The people you work with will feel your tempo and
               plug into it. When they do, everyone will work better together
               and enjoy it more.
                   I’m often asked, “What makes you tick?” I simply respond,
               “My own tempo, which is fast.” We each have our own internal
               tempos that govern how quickly we move. It’s an integral, distin-
               guishing part of us. Some people are deliberate, contemplative,
               and reflective. Others, like me, proceed at lightning speed. I think
               that my speed enables me to do more. It also challenges my
               people to keep up with me.

                   When I’m making deals, I’m in the zone. The tempo is music
                   that makes me feel like I can’t lose.

                                                         —Donald J. Trump

                   When I conduct a meeting, I need those present to keep up
               with me, to be on the same page. The people who work with me
               know my pace, and they’ve adjusted to it. My employees know
               that I like to work quickly, so they prepare for meetings. We don’t
               waste time, so we move rapidly at my speed.

                                 BE IN THE ZONE

               I’m sure you’ve heard people say that they’re in “the zone.” What
               they mean is that they’ve reached a certain level of performance

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