Page 150 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
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                         R E S U LT S M AT T E R M O R E

                                   T H A N R O U T E S

                         Le t  people    fol l o w  their   o w n  paths

                        copywriter was sitting at his desk, staring out the window
                   A and making absolutely no attempt to look busy, which drove
                   his coworkers crazy. So they complained to the boss who asked
                   them how long the copywriter had been behaving that way.
                   When they told him, the boss instructed them to get the copy-
                   writer coffee, lunch, or anything his heart desired and to make
                   sure that he wasn’t interrupted. When the coworkers complained,
                   the boss explained, “The last few times time he acted like this, he
                   came up with ideas that were worth millions of dollars. So what-
                   ever you do, don’t disturb him; let him create!”
                       Everyone works differently; we all take different paths and
                   use diverse methods. Some deliberate endlessly and then move
                   suddenly to complete a task. Others make an immediate decision
                   and then take forever to implement it. Frequently, the results are
                   the same; it’s just a matter of style.

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