Page 47 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 47


                W I T H O U T K N O W L E D G E,                    Y O U

                     D O N’ T S TA N D A C H A N C E

                           Ga in   a nd   use   in for m ation
                                 to  your    a d va ntage

                     btain knowledge and learn everything you can about each
               Oproject you undertake. If you enter a deal without sufficient
               knowledge, you will be throwing away your time and money. It’s
               like playing high-stakes poker without knowing the rules—you’re
               bound to lose because there are plenty of sharks who can’t wait to
               take a sucker’s money.
                   Study your area of business. All business involves risk, but risk
               can be greatly reduced when you learn everything you can about
               what you’re doing. Gain knowledge so that you can make better
               decisions and become the best. Everyone wants to deal with the
               best, but no one wants to deal with a dummy—except to take his
                   A funny thing about knowledge is that once you start obtain-
               ing it, it becomes addictive. As you become better informed, your

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