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W I T H O U T K N O W L E D G E ,  Y O U D O N ’ T S T A N D A C H A N C E

                      • Make files to save important information you read. File
                        the names of authors and business movers and shakers.
                        Visit their web sites to learn about their accomplishments.

                      • Contact successful businesspeople, authors, experts, and
                        insiders and try to meet them or ask for their advice. Use
                        your network contacts to help you. Find out if these
                        experts regularly attend conferences, conventions, or
                        other events.

                     Ask Mr. Trump: Questions from Readers of the
                     Trump University Blog

                     Q: I’m in a full-time MBA program at one of the top business
                     schools. What can I do to get the best return on my investment of
                     time and money?
                     DJT: Go beyond what your classes require and study on your
                     own. Find an area that interests you and then learn all you can
                     about it. Better yet, get involved in the area to gain experience. No
                     matter where you go to school, you can always supplement what
                     you learn in your courses with your own studies. Then your time
                     and investment will be put to good use.

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