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P. 48

W I T H O U T K N O W L E D G E ,  Y O U D O N ’ T S T A N D A C H A N C E

                   understanding improves, you become more of an expert, and
                   your interest turns into a passion. People recognize your knowl-
                   edge and respect you for it. They come to you for advice, which
                   is flattering and helpful because they’re usually glad to help you
                   in return.
                       When you acquire knowledge, it makes you a more interest-
                   ing and interested person. Start early and keep learning regard-
                   less of your age or accomplishments. If you continue to learn, you
                   will develop a cutting-edge mentality that will help you succeed
                   and develop new interests.
                       In college, I spent my spare time reading about real estate and
                   foreclosures. I read on my own because I was interested and truly
                   wanted to learn, not just to pass a test. My extracurricular study-
                   ing led to my first successful real estate deal in which I earned
                   enough money to start building my own business. I found a
                   1,200-unit residential development that had 800 vacant apart-
                   ments. It was a disaster. Although the developers had gone under
                   and the government foreclosed, I saw it as a great opportunity. I
                   worked hard and learned a lot, which gave me confidence and
                   increased my thirst to move forward in my real estate career.
                       I’ve continued the pattern I began with that first deal
                   throughout my life: Before I commit to any venture, I study it
                   fully because I want to know all the facts.

                                  RESEARCH PAYS OFF

                   When I was interested in buying 40 Wall Street (the home of
                   Trump University), I learned everything I could about the build-
                   ing and the current owner’s troubles. I studied the building, the
                   neighborhood, the market conditions, and anything remotely
                   related. When the opportunity finally came to buy the building,

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