Page 50 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
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W I T H O U T K N O W L E D G E ,  Y O U D O N ’ T S T A N D A C H A N C E

                             I N S I S T  O N P E R F E C T I O N

                               When I develop my golf courses, I call on the
                     world’s top experts. I literally ask hundreds of questions
                     about every detail, tree, hole, and idea because I don’t want
                     to leave anything to chance. I want to identify the best
                     products, people, and way to proceed. Fortunately, these
                     experts love their work, so they don’t find my questioning
                     tedious. By the time construction begins, I know everything
                     that needs to be done and how the entire project should
                     proceed, which helps me stay informed as the project

                     The 10th Hole at The Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles.
                     Photo courtesy of the Trump Organization.

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