Page 85 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 85


                       T H I N K O N Y O U R F E E T

                          It ’s  the  fas t  t rack  to  s ucce ss

                       hen I started in business, I spent a lot of my time
               W researching every detail that could affect the deals I was
               considering. I still do today. People often comment on how
               quickly I think on my feet, and they think I’ve had this gift from
               birth. Actually, I make decisions quickly because I always do my
               homework. I prepare by examining everything that might be
               involved in a deal. Outsiders never see the thorough research,
               detailed preparation, analysis, and all the other preliminary work.
               They see only the results, which are just the tip of the iceberg.
               Like a well-trained athlete, I prepare thoroughly, and then when
               the time is right, I’m ready to spring from the gate. Ironically,
               learning to be spontaneous takes preparation and practice.
                   The Apprentice teaches candidates to think quickly on their
               feet. Since they’re placed under tight time constraints, they have

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