Page 80 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 80


                             N E G O T I AT E T O W I N

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                     ’ve been called a master negotiator because I usually get
                   Iwhat I want. I negotiate to win, and then I win. My process,
                   however, isn’t necessarily what you would expect. I spend
                   lots of time preparing for negotiations, which usually gives
                   me the edge.
                       When most people hear the word negotiation, they usually
                   picture stone-faced adversaries who glare at each other across a
                   conference table and argue over every little point. That’s not
                   how I work. A better example is how I went about buying
                   40 Wall Street.
                       I was interested in acquiring 40 Wall Street for years. I fol-
                   lowed the building as the neighborhood changed, tenants moved
                   out, and real estate values plunged. I watched as it changed hands
                   and was finally purchased by the Hinneberg family who ran it
                   from Germany. I learned as much as I could about the family,

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