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                   Accountants/bookkeepers, 52, 114  Asset(s):
                   Action(s), 5                       appropriate for corporations, LLCs,
                     MAP (mindset/actions/process) for   or LPs, 223
                        entrepreneurship, 86–87       appropriate for living trusts, 223
                     persuasion equation, and giving   being your own best asset, 3, 11

                        buyer directives for, 27, 28  identification of, when buying a
                     production quotas versus, 25–26     business, 118
                     skill of “taking action,” 3, 7,   sale, versus stock sale, 118
                        17–19, 91                    Asset allocation, 164, 182–185. See also
                   Advisors. See Financial advisors     Portfolio management
                   AIP. See Automatic Investment Plan   life situations, and investment styles,
                      (AIP)                              190–192
                   American Depositary Receipts       real estate, 164
                      (ADRs), 188                     rebalancing portfolio, 184
                   American Express (using as cash),   risk tolerance and, 183
                      43, 67                          time horizon and, 183
                   American Stock Exchange, 180      Asset protection, 88–89, 219–227
                   Amortization schedules,            civil liabilities, 225
                      shortening, 44                  criminal punishments, 225
         , 105                entrepreneurship and, 88–89
                     sample milestone chart, 106      essential steps, 226–227
                     sample resource list, 107        measuring your wealth, 227
                   Appreciation versus income, 134–136  planning proactively, 227
                   Apprentice, The:                   prioritizing objectives, 227
                     catch phrase from (“You’re Fired”), 50  recruiting/organizing
                     season based on dichotomy of        professionals, 227
                        knowledge versus acting on    strategy formulation, 227
                        knowledge (book smart versus    exemptions, taking advantage of,
                        street smart), 7                   220–221
                     thoroughness in interviewing       information sources, 227
                        candidates, 6                   insurance, 226
                     Trump’s meeting creator of         lawsuit explosion, 219
                        ( Burnett), 10                  legal entities, 86, 89, 105, 206,
                   Arrola, Jerry, 18–19                    207, 221–225


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