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                      all cash, 119                  Commodore Hotel, New York, 7–8
                      borrow from family             Communication:
                         and friends, 119             entrepreneurial skill, 27, 91

                      government-financed loan, 119    great communicators, 27
                      seller fi nancing, 120           with ourselves, as form of
                     step 7 (due diligence), 111, 121      programming, 27
                      dealing with problems, 121–122  with outside world, as infl uence, 27
                     step 8 (closing the deal), 111,   Competition, enjoying, 3, 10–11
                        122–124                      Contract attorney, 51
                      lease assignments, 122         Corporate securities, 179–180
                      lien search and fi lings, 123   Corporations:
                      promissory note, 122            asset protection (see Asset protection)
                      purchase price allocation, 123  C corporations, 207, 222
                      transfer taxes—bulk sales       fraudulent use of, 225
                         taxes, 123                   limited liability corporations
                   Buying habits, reducing expenses:     (LLCs), 207, 222, 223
                     buying online, 80                S corporations, 206–207, 222
                     buying used cars, 81             tax strategies, 206–207
                                                     Cost, millionaire mindset and, 16
                   Capacity, loan underwriting and, 145  “Creative class”, 154, 155
                   Capital gains, 204                Creativity:
                   Career risks, as obstacle to       focusing on, 23–24
                        entrepreneurship, 94          leveraging other people’s, 17
                   Cash:                             Credit, loan underwriting and, 145
                     American Express as modern-day   Credit cards. See also Debt:
                        equivalent of, 43, 67         American Express as modern-day
                     buying business with, 119           cash, 43, 67
                     loan underwriting and, 145       cash versus, 43–44

                   Cash flows and real estate investment,   cutting up, 67
                      155–156                         lender’s terms, not using, 66–68
                   Cash-out refi nance, 138            negotiating debt down, 67–68
                   C corporations, 207, 222, 225      online sources on available rates, 68
                   Certified Financial Planner (CFP),   Cuban, Mark, 27

                      48, 53                         Customer(s):

                   Character, loan underwriting and, 145  capturing first “magic,” 97, 108–109
                   Charitable giving plan, 64, 78–79  concentration issues, in buying a
                   Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT), 215  business, 118
                   Christmas presents, 80            Customizing products, 108
                   Chunking, 25
                   Civil liabilities, 225. See also Asset   DBA (Doing Business As), 105
                      protection                     Debt:
                   Closing the deal (buying a business),   avoidance, as one of “Seven Prac-
                      111, 122–123                       tices of the Rich,” 58, 64–65
                   Clothing, saving on, 81            case study (Stan and Barbara), 70–73
                   Collateral, loan underwriting and, 145  committing 10 percent of gross
                   Commercial properties, 157–160        income to credit card
                   Commission-based advisors, 46–47      payments, 68–69


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