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                   Asset protection (continued )     Brainstorming, 90–91, 99
                      quiz to assess vulnerabilities,   Branson, Richard, 19
                         222–223                     Brokers:
                      recordkeeping, 226              businesses to buy, 114, 124
                   ATM cards, 80                      stocks/bonds, 53, 60, 61, 180
                   Attorney(s), 51, 114              Budget(s):
                   Auction sale of property, 138      I don’t want to do a budget
                   Audience, knowing your, 3, 8            automatic money system
                   Automatic Investment Plan (AIP),      (see Automatic money system)
                      50, 58–62, 64, 72, 77–78        objections to, 75
                   Automatic money system, 58,       Buffett, Warren, 37
                      63–64, 75–82                   Burnett, Mark, 10
                      “budgeting” versus, 76         Business(es):
                     charitable giving plan, 64, 78–79  benefits of ownership, 110

                     computerization, 81              buying (see Buying a business)
                     debt avoidance strategies, 64, 79  number of, in United States, 86
                     debt elimination, 64, 78         number of sole proprietorships in
                     double-checking entries, 81         United States, 86
                     expecting to make mistakes, 81   searching for ideas for, 96, 97–99
                     expecting the unexpected, 81     starting (see Starting a business)
                     expenses, reducing, 80–81       Buyers, infl uencing (persuasion
                     fl exibility, 81                    equation), 27–28
                     impulse buying, avoiding, 82    Buying a business, 110–124
                     investments, 50, 58–62, 64, 72, 77–78  benefits of business ownership, 110

                     life money, 64, 79               Golden Rules, 112–113
                     red fl ags, 81–82                 sources of information, 124

                     steps (five), 64, 77–79           step 1 (finding the right business for

                   Automobile insurance, 81              you), 111–113
                   Automobile lease, 44               step 2 (knowing where to search),
                                                         111, 113–114
                   Balance:                           step 3 (visiting the business and
                     mental/physical/relational/fi nancial,   meeting with the seller), 111,
                        20, 22–23                        114–11
                     of passion with reason, in       step 4 (valuing the business), 111,
                        negotiation, 9                   116–117
                   Banks, 43, 44                      step 5 (negotiating the deal), 111,
                   Barclay’s iShares, 180                117–119
                   Beading Cafe, The:                   asset or stock sale, 118
                     background, 97–98                  customer or supplier concentra-
                     sample executive summary, 101,        tion issues, 118
                        102–105                         due diligence, 118
                   Believing in yourself, 37            lease transfer, 118
                   Blended stocks, 186, 193             noncompete, 118
                   Bonds/bond funds, 129, 140,          price and terms, 118
                      177–180, 188                      training, 119
                   Borrower profi le, strengthening/     what assets are you buying, 118

                      maintaining, 144, 146           step 6 (financing), 111, 119–120


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