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You visualize a home office with a big window that looks out into the back-
yard of a newer home in a nicer neighborhood. You see yourself driving your
kids to school every morning, attending their soccer games and perform-
ances, and taking your family on day hikes on the weekends. That’s what
your ideal life looks like. How can you capture that grand vision in a concise
statement that helps you stay focused on the financial freedom you need to
live the life you want? You write:
“I am becoming financially free so that I can spend quality time with my hus-
band and children. I want to be able to spend my best waking hours with my
family so we can pursue deeper relationships with one another.”
In the first step, you painted a picture of your ideal life; now you are fi ll-
ing in the specifics as a compass to guide you in pursuit of your fi nancial
goals. Be as elaborate or as simple as you want to be in this step, but do it so
that your wealth-building efforts have a sense of purpose.
Rehearse Your True Priorities
As you went through the previous exercises and took stock of how you would
organize your ideal day, you began to identify your true priorities. True
priorities are what we value in life and are closely related to our vision of the
life we want to live. It is possible that you have lost touch with your true pri-
orities along the way.
If you haven’t taken the time to define your priorities, sit down with a
piece of paper and pen in hand, and make a list of what’s most important in
your life. You don’t need to start from scratch to do this exercise. Assuming
that you took me seriously and wrote down your vision of a better life and your
concise personal financial vision statement, you already did the work. Now
review what you wrote, and identify the elements of your fi nancial vision that
are most important to you in life. Don’t worry about putting them in some kind
of order—that’s really not necessary. The key is identifying what’s important.
Then put that list in a place where you will see it on a regular basis until
you refine your priorities. Rehearsing your true priorities plays a powerful
role in staying motivated. Take time each week to reflect and keep focused, so
that you can keep moving in the right direction. Successful people keep their
list close at hand, and rehearse their priorities regularly.
Make sure you pay attention and regularly rehearse your priorities.
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