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Write Y our  F inancial  V ision Sta tement

                   doing with your life, but because of your debt load, you are trapped in an
                     unsatisfying job and working for an unfriendly boss. At times, your debt is
                   like a heavy weight holding you down. What would it feel like to be out from
                   under that debt completely? What if you never had to go to that job again, or
                   face that boss? How would you feel? Are you smiling? By doing this exercise
                   and allowing yourself to feel the emotions of your ideal life, you are providing
                   yourself with the powerful mental and emotional motivators to keep moving
                   in the right direction.
                       Make sure you take some time to write down your answers to these ques-
                   tions. Keep them available and look at them often. You will be amazed at how
                   energizing these statements can be as they remind you of what you are striv-
                   ing for. Be as detailed as you want to be at this point in your visioning process.
                   After you have completed this step, you will then become more precise in
                   your statements about your ideal life, but don’t worry about precision right
                   now. We will talk more about that in the next section.
                       Having a clear vision is key to building wealth. “Visioning” on a regular
                   basis is one of the most powerful habits you can develop. Many of the most
                   successful graduates of my “Advanced Investing Real Estate Boot Camp”
                     regularly take some time out of their lives to sit and imagine what their lives

                   will be like when they achieve their financial goals. They tape pictures to
                   their bathroom mirrors of the places they want to visit, or the dream homes
                   or cars they want to own. These pictures serve as visual reminders and focus
                   their attention every day on the better life they want to live.
                       Highly successful people who realize their dreams and goals in life are
                   usually singularly motivated by a vision of the way they want their lives to be.
                   Take some time to develop the habit of visioning. It will keep you keep  focused
                   on why you are striving for change in the fi rst place.

                                                 Write It Down

                     Now, I want you to verbalize your vision statement in a sentence or two.
                   Write it down. You want your financial vision statement to capture the  essence

                   of the visioning you did in the previous exercise. If your statement is simple
                   and precise enough, it can become your mantra as you pursue your personal
                   financial freedom. Repeat it to yourself regularly to stay on track.

                       Let me give you an example. Let’s say you work too much, to the point
                   where your schedule keeps you away from your spouse and children more
                   than you would like. As you envision your ideal life, you decide that you

                   want to pursue financial freedom and work as a private investor from home.


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