Page 196 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
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                                              I NDEX

                   O                               Penn Central Railroad, 63,
                                                       64, 131, 132
                   O’Brien, Tim, 150–152           Photographs of family and
                   Ocean Trails Golf Course,           achievements, 116
                       153, 154–155                Positive thinking, 3–4, 115,
                   Opportunities:                      138–141
                     from failures of others,      Post, Marjorie Merriweather,
                          159–164                      117, 118, 119
                     problems as, 3, 56, 62–68     Post Foundation, 119
                                                   Power of Positive Thinking, The
                                                       (Peale), 138–139
                   P                               Preparation:
                                                     for negotiations, 167
                   Palm Beach. See also Mar-a-       for problems, 28–33, 136
                       Lago Club                     for success, 34–35
                     government, 121–122           Pressure, handling, 4
                     Trump International Golf      Pride, swallowing, 48–53
                          Club, 57–61              Pritzker, Jay, 65
                   Palm Beach International        Problems:
                       Airport, 123–124              focusing on solution to, 3,
                   Palm Trump International               95–96, 166
                       Hotel & Tower, 91–94          as opportunities in
                   Palos Verdes golf club, 100            disguise, 3, 56,
                   Panama Canal, 109                      62–68
                   Panama City hotel project,        preparing for, 28–33, 136
                       109                         Project managers, 140
                   Pan Am Shuttle, 72–73           Public relations, 145
                   Partnerships, 39–44             Public speaking:
                   Passion, 57–61, 165               blips, 102–105
                   Patience, 130–134, 168            Dayton, Ohio, 102–104
                   Peale, Norman Vincent,            developing skill for,
                       138–139                            55–56
                   Pelly, Bruce, 124                 fear of, 55
                   Penn, Mark J., 157–158            Las Vegas, 104–105
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