Page 197 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
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                                          IN D E X

               Q                               S

               Queenan, Joe, 126–127           Salvation Army, 25–26
               Questions:                      Samuels, Dorothy, 82
                  asking, 69–70                Sapir Organization, 19
                  frequently asked,            Saturday Night Live, 83–88
                      34–38                    Schwarz, Julius, 22
                                               Scotland golf club project,
               R                               Scottish National Heritage
                                                    Organization, 41, 42–43
               Rail yards, West Side,          Scutt, Der, 64
                    130–134                    Self-confidence, 7, 142–146,
               Real estate. See also specific       166
                    projects                   September 11, 2001 attacks,
                  commercial, 159–164               24–25
                  developing projects,         September Concert, 25
                      106–111                  Setting the record straight,
                  foreign ownership,                125–127, 150–152
                      157–158                  Shakespeare, William, 46
                  industry leaders, 35         Singer, Mark, 126, 127
               Record, setting straight,       Skidmore, Owings & Merrill,
                    125–127, 150–152                14, 16
               Red Cross Ball, 25              Slater, Robert (Bob), 152
               Refrigerators, 76–77            Smith, Haruko, 25
               Resnick family, 161             Society for the Preservation
               Responsibility, assuming,            of Long Island
                    45–47                           Antiquities, 98
               Restaurant project,             SoHo neighborhood, 18–23
                    97–99                      Solution, focusing on, 3,
               Risk-taking, 9–11, 83–88,            95–96, 166
                    147–149                    Sorial, George, 43
               Ross, George, 66                Sprint-Nextel, 128

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