Page 193 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 193

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                              CHAPTER SEVENTEEN



      Robert's Response

          There are three reasons I went to a military school.
          When I was 10 years old, my fifth-grade teacher had us study the history
      of the great explorers -  Columbus, Cortez, Magellan and Da Gama.
      Readingthose books inspired me to want to go to sea and explore the world.
          When I was 13, while other kids were carving salad bowls for their
       moms, I talked my shop teacher into letting me build a boat for my wood
      shop project. I sent away for the plans and for the next few months, I was
      happily building an 8-foot EI Toro class sailboat. That class was one of the
      fewclassesI got an A in.
          Some ofthe happiest days ofmy life were spent sailing my boat on Hilo
      Bay, named after the town I grew up in. As I sat in my boat, my mind would
      drift as I dreamed offaraway ports and exotic women.
          When my high school guidance counselor asked me, "What do you
      want to do when you grow up?" I replied, "I want to go to sea,travel to exotic
      placessuch as Tahiti, drink beer and chase women."
          Instead of getting upset with me, she said, "I have just the school for
      you."She then took out a brochure for the U.S.Merchant Marine Academy
      and said, "Look this over. It's a tough school. But ifyou really want to go to
      sea,then I'll help you get into the academy."
          After winning a congressional appointment from U.S.Senator Daniel K.
      Inouye in 1965, I left the sleepylittle town ofHilo and traveled to New York
      to begin my education to become a merchant marine officer.In 1968, aspart
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