Page 194 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 194


                                                                              ofmy apprenticeship at sea, I sailed into
                                                                              Papaete, Tahiti, drank beer and went out
                                                    ... I realized that       with one ofthe most beautiful women I

                                                    combat was the            have ever met. She was the weather girl
                                                                              on television and a candidate for Miss
                                                  ultimate test of will
                                                                              Tahiti. My dreams had come true.
                                                  and training. There             The second reason I went to the
                                                 was no second place          academy was because my dad did not

                                                  and the winner was          have the money to send me to college.
                                                                              He said to me, "The day you graduate,
                                                 the one who was the
                                                                              you are on your own." And I was. Going
                                                     mostprepared.            to the academy meant I had a full

                                                                              scholarship, room, board and clothing
                                                     I changed my             allowance, and reimbursement for
                                                 thoughts to;;,"Combat        travel. On top of that, we were paid a
                                                   is not ri~~Y. Bei~g        small (and I do mean small) salary each

                                                 unprepared is risky."
                                                                                  The third, and probably the most
                                                  I've cometo realize         important reason, was for the discipline.
                                                 that entrepreneurship        As a kid in high school, I was often

                                                   is not risky. Being        surfing more than attending class. Even
                                                                              after my dad, the head of education,
                                                  unprepared is risky.
                                                                              caught me, I still found it impossible not
                                                                              to cut classeswhen the surfwas big.
                                                      -Robert T. Kiyosaki
                                                                                  I knew I needed the discipline. If I
                                                                              had attended the University ofHawaii, I
                                                                              never would have finished school.
                                                  At the academy, I learned discipline ... the hard way. Punishment came
                                               often, and it was severe. Academics were tougher than I had expected.
                                               Without a strict military system, I would never have graduated.
                                                   I also learned to follow and give orders. In other words, I learned
                                               leadership. When you look at the CASHFLOW Quadrant, you can see that
                                               leadership is essential for success in the B quadrant.After three years ofhard

                                               WHY WE WANT You To BE RICH
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