Page 324 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
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that demand you bring out the best in you, and your own goals that
you know - when accomplished - will change your life. For more
information visit:
2. Rich Dad's Education: While most investment advisors
recommend diversification, diversification, diversification, we at
Rich Dad recommend focus, focus, focus. All people who have
achieved greatness have been very focused people.
In the near future, Rich Dad's Education will be offering college-
level courses and seminars for people who are ready to focus on
specific areas of business or investing. For example, a course I am
very excited about is learning to be a raw-land developer. Or you
may want to become an expert in stock options or foreclosures. As
you know, there are many ways a person can become very rich - if
he or she is focused.
3. Rich Dad's INSIDERS: Many people have asked me to be their
personal coach. Given the sheer number ofpeople who have asked,
that task would be impossible. Instead ofcoaching individuals, The
Rich Dad Company has created Rich Dad's INSIDERS, a Web-
delivered electronic forum.
For a small monthly fee, I keep you informed about what I see and what
I am th inking about. I also have my personal advisors sharing their
knowledge on specificsubjects in which they are experts.We have experts in
real estate, law, gold, oil, banking and even high-performance health.
As you know, the world is changing rapidly. Rich Dad's INSIDERS is
my way ofstaying in touch with you and keeping you up-to-date with what
I think is important in this world.
In Conclusion
There are two kinds of people in the world. There are those who seek
security and those who seek freedom. As some ofyou know, security and
freedom are exactly the opposite. That is why those with the most security