Page 321 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 321
Looking In The Mirror
Your own business is the best mirror you can look into. Your own
business islike the game ofgolf It givesyou instant feedback every time you
swing the club. If you are good, your business will make you richer than
Tiger Woods. As you know, successful entrepreneurs are the richest people
on earth. And ifyou are bad, they won't let you join the country club. I know
that personally. Today, I am offered many honorary country club
memberships. A fewyears ago, the same country clubs would not havelet me
in the door.
Putting You Back In Control
One ofthe reasons so many people feel insecure today is because school
never taught them about the importance of control in their lives. For
example, ifyou are an employee, you have very little control over how much
you earn, ifyou get the promotion, if you receive a raise, when you go on
vacation, and sometimes even when to eat lunch.
In 1974, when ERISA was passed, which led to the 401(k), many
employees in the E quadrant were forced to become investors in the I
quadrant. The problem, again,was a lack ofeducation and experience. Since
most employees, even though highly educated, have very little financial
knowledge, the y often invest in paper "';" c::&
assets such as savings, stocks, mutual
funds and bonds. Again, the problem is One of the reasons so
the same - as investors, they have no many pe~~le feel
control over those assets.
insecure today is
The other thing employees have
because school never
little control over is taxes. Those in the E
and Squadrants, in most cases,pay much taught them about the .
higher taxes than those who are importance of control
professionals in the B and I quadrants.
in their lives.
Again, the reason iscontrol. The IRS
and the tax code of the country offer - Robert T Kiyosaki
more control to those in the B and I
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