Page 326 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 326
,....., J cnunJ ~u brlnt:0ut the bo...., In~"". anJ ~'our_'n go.l, lh..t
'ou """,, - "hen ,vmpli,heJ - ",II c.....n!:"~"OUr ht",..... more
.ntnlTItllrion ,-i'lt: " '."" hJ.,f,......-h'"~.·om
• R,ch Il.••f~ hl....., ;"n : \X'h,k Jl>O;ot m.-c·,'mcnt ,'0"
",wmmenJ J I.-cr,, 6c~uon. JI.-c'T' ,he ~nnn. d"·""i h<~"on c ~t
Ri.h Oa..! ",<omnlen.! lOCus.. ro.:u>. Io.;u,..'r.n pt'opk ...ho h..w
",,'h'e,-cJ !tft~lnC" h..,-c Ixcn '",J people.
III thc ncar future. II.Il'h [J.d', Edue"ion will be olft'rio!:colkt:e-
In'd ,'0".,,,, .".1 >emi,,.,, for p,'ople who orc rt'oJy to foe", "n
'p<",fi, "'c., of bu,inc" or ill"e' tm!:, ~or eu mple. a cour", I am
H~' n,it,d Wout i, lcarning 10 Ix a .." ·land d,,,,'dop.:r. 0 , "ou
m.~' "·.m ' 0 Ix,""n", an""f'C'"' in "",,-L optinn, or forcd.....,r..... A,
~"o., I.n_-. mere art rrun~- " ...... pc:r>on e~n b«-ome'-cry neh _ ,I'
heor ..m;. £0.:"",.1_
3. Rich naJ" I:" " lIltR\ , .\IMI~' peoplc h.... c .,led mc to be thclr
penon.:rJ h. Gi,'CR the JJcee nunlbcr o( people ...-ho h",'c ~>lcd.
th.,I.," ould be,ml"""bk. In'tc~d nt" e<»ehing inol"iJ ....k Th.
RICh Dad C on'p~ ny h~, ,",. a",d Ri,h nsr, I N ~IDER~ . J \'(', b·
JdlH rcd .Ic,,,on;,' li"u""
~'" ~ ,,"alllllomhlyfcc,rkeep y'u" ;Ilfn,m"d .hour what I "c and what
I . '" lhm kinil . bout. I . 1"" h~\'C m~' pcr,,,n.1 .d,·i""" ,huin!, th<"
l """ ledt:<" on -rc, i6, ,ubtn·" In " hi,b m.) ,. n: ""pen:... '>X" M 'enpen:, in
rc.d N .t<. I..... gold. oil. bmlung mol ....-m h,gh'l"'rformJJl<.-': hcalm.
.'r.. ~_ k""". ,he .. nrIJ If ,hJnt:Jng ~p.JI~. Rich 0..,:1", 1:>.:\ !Dl;R\ "
~.....,. of >t.~i~ in touch ,,"h ~ou and kc-.:plllt: ~ou "nh ..-h",
l ,hinl< " ,mporu m in mi, ....rid.
In C n
There arc ", 0 h.lJ, of p.ople in ,h. wo,ld, Iller••rc tho-.c " ho ..,,,I<
,n umy .nd ,h"", "ho ,eel f,...·J "m....., ""'If'of ~'ou know, 'numy .".1
fref'd"nl . re exa. tly thc "1'1''',;'e, TlYI h why ,/,,,,,; ",i,h the 11I0" "emi'y'
W H' W. W "", You To 8 , lh H