Page 46 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 46


                                               and today the u.s.dollar is falling and savers find their savings wiped out
                                               with verylittle left for retirement ... except for Social Security and Medicare,
                                               which are also in trouble. History is repeating itself; only this time the
                                               problem is bigger.

                                               What We Are Concerned About

                                                   Donald said it first: ''I'm afraid we have developed an entitlement
                                               mentality as a nation. And I'm not talking about just poor people. Too many
                                               people, from the president and senators on down, expect a pension from
                                               the government. I reallywish we could afford to solve their problems,but to
                                               do that would bankrupt our nation. We could ask the rich to pay for
                                               everyone, but would it solve the problem? And for how long would it even
                                               solve the problem?"
                                                   I agreed. Donald and I want people to let go of the entitlement
                                               mentality and become rich so they can solve the problem ... their own
                                                   Consider the following diagram:

                                                       THOUGHTS ~ ACTIONS ~ RESULTS
                                                                  ~                              •
                                                                           .. .........

                                                   The best way to solve the problem ofbad financial results is to change
                                               our thoughts -  to start thinking like rich people rather than poor and
                                               middle-class people. That means losing the entitlement mentality -
                                               whether you are a military officer, government worker, schoolteacher,
                                               employee or just poor. Ifwe do not stop expecting the government to take
                                               care of us, we will continue to have the same results - a bankrupt nation
                                               filled with well-educated but financially needy people.
                                                   Albert Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over
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