Page 48 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 48


                                                 Back Onstage

                                                     "Fifteen minutes," said Bill Zanker to Donald.
                                                     "O K," he said. "I'm ready."
                                                     As we headed toward the stage, Donald said, "So the reason we want
                                                 them to become rich is so they can solve their own financial problems. Too
                                                 many people are betting on the stock market, the government or a pension
                                                 to be the solution."
                                                     "That'sa good place to start," I said.
                                                     "We'll tell people whywe got rich, not how...and whywe keep working
                                                 even though we have enough money."
                                                     "We want them to find out their own whys,rather than expect ahandout
                                                 from the government. That's how we can help solvethe problem. Obviously
                                                 we can't help everyone, because not everyone has the talent to become rich,
                                                 but we can help those who do and have the desire to be rich."
                                                     "This entitlement mentality is a monster problem;' said Donald.
                                                     "Huge;' I agreed.
                                                     "Bigger even than the national debt, the falling dollar, the oil crisis and
                                                 retirement programs. And those are very big and very real problems,"
                                                 Donald added.
                                                     "Problems aren't the issue," I said. "We all have money problems ... even
                                                 you and 1. It'show we solve the problem that's the issue."
                                                     "That's exactly right;' said Donald. "We, as a nation, cannot solve our
                                                 financial problems if we think with an entitlement mentality. It's this
                                                 mentality that 's reallyat the core ofthe problem. That'swhy we want people
                                                 to become rich."
                                                     As I headed up the stage stairs to get ready to introduce Donald, I said,
                                                 "Our financial problems are caused by the waywe think. We have to change
                                                 the way we think about money."
                                                    With that, I walked onstage ~o introduce Donald Trump to thousands
                                                 offans and students.
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