Page 50 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 50


                                                   The    artists   are   remaining
                                                anonymous because obviously they
                                                could get in trouble for trespassing.       People who are
                                                They are also hoping other renegades
                                                                                       capable of thinking for
                                                with paintbrushes will join their
                                                                                        themselves wi II rarely
                                                   This is a great example of people     be part of any herd.
                                                taking  action  and accomplishing
                                                something. They took matters into               - DC/paidJ. Trump
                                                their own hands instead of waiting for
                                                someone else to do something about
                                                it. It's unconventional, but it seems to be working.
                                                   It's an overused term at this point, but "out-of-the-box" thinking
                                                is obviously alive and well - certainly in Detroit. Artists aren't the
                                                only people around who have the right to exercise that part of the
                                                brain - we all do. Let's try to start thinking like that no matter
                                                where we live or what we do. The worst thing for us, individually
                                                and as a nation, is to become passive observers - or to slowly sink
                                                into our comfort zones.
                                                   As I've said before, the best way to have an edge is to live on
                                                one. We are not in a position - even if we are the so-called
                                                superpower - to rest on our laurels. That is the first indication of
                                                impending decline. We've got some challenges ahead, and it's best
                                                to be aware of them. Let's not succumb to the BigGroupthink, which
                                                is really just a good way of sinking our own ship.
                                                   Today, more than ever, people must change the way they think
                                                about their finances and their financial futures.
                                                   Robertand I want you to expand your thinking. We can all benefit
                                                from the wisdom of Descartes: "I think; therefore I am."
                                                   Think bigger!

                                               . We "i....'M 4' t z vet ze..·RICH
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