Page 49 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 49
Donald's View
As Robert says, "We as a nation cannot solve a large financial
crisis with the same old thinking." I couldn't agree more. This
entitlement mentality is everywhere. In fact, it has become
epidemic in our economy.
I guess we've all probably heard the term "groupthink" by now.
It's that old herd mentality that seems to bring out the best and the
worst in people. Bythe best, I mean that sometimes a shepherd will
surface. But that's an unlikely scenario. It's usually the wolves that
will surface first, and the herd will be primed and ready to follow.
What we're trying to do here is break up the herd before we are
incapable of seeing, hearing, thinking and doing for ourselves.
! People who are capable of thinking for themselves will rarely be part
of any herd.
While we are focused on the groupthink that keeps people from
thinking for themselves financially and has them blindly turning their
moneyover to financial advisors, it reminds me of another story.
For my radio program on Clear Channel, I decided to speakabout
"Object Orange." This isn't about Jeanne-Claude and Christo's
"Gates" project last year in Central Park, but about something
happening in Detroit, Michigan.
Detroit has a problem with ramshackle, empty homes because
I the city has lost nearly a million people in the last 50 years. A group
of artists in the city was tired of looking at vacant, dilapidated
buildings around town. So they decided to do something about it.
To call attention to the abandoned buildings, the artists secretly
painted the eyesores bright orange overnight. Because it's hard to
miss a bright orange, rundown building, several of the houses have
since been torn down - which was the goal in the first place.