Page 51 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
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                                 CHAPTER THREE

                      THE SHRINKING

                       MIDDLE CLASS

       Robert's View

       Raising Your Financial IQ

          There are many definitions of intelligence. One of the more practical
       ones I learned from my rich dad is, "Intelligence is the ability to solve
       problems." For example, in school, ifyou can solve math problems, you are
       considered intelligent. Out ofschool, ifyou can fixa car,you are deemed to
       haveautomotive intelligence. When it comes to money. the bigger financial
       problems you can solve, the higher your financial intelligence.
          Today, our world faces some serious financial problems. Many are
       interrelated problems, one causing the other. Some ofthe more pressingones

              1. Value ofthe dollar falling
              2. National debt increasing
              3. Baby boomers starting to retire
              4. Oil prices rising
              S. Gap increasing between the rich and everyone else
              6. Wages decreasing

        .,    7. Jobs being exported
              8. Social Security and Medicare going bankrupt
              9. Savings being wiped out
             10. Lack offinancial education being taught

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