Page 55 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 55

~~....  ;                                THE SHRINKING MIDDLE CLASS I 49

    ,  fish. Many of these people are stockbrokers, real estate brokers, financial
       planners, bankers and insurance agents. They are in the business ofselling ...
       not necessarily teaching or giving. When you put the two words, sell and
       fish, together, you get the word seijish. And even though most people in the
       business may not be selfish,enough are to make the word ring true. I use it
       hereto emphasize the importance ofstayingon your guard to be awareofthe
       differencesbetween those who give - the teachers - and those who sell.
           Donald and I are concerned that most people do not choose to learn to
       manage their own money or learn to invest their own money. Instead of
       learn,they simply turn their money over to experts and then hope and pray

       their experts are truly experts.
           In Donald's book, How To Get Rich, he has this to say about financial
       advisors... people who sell fish. The chapter heading saysit all:

                          Be Your Own Financial Advisor

           The chapter begins with:

              "Many people go out and hire financial advisors,but I havealso seen
              a lot ofthese advisors destroy people.

              "Athletes, in particular, make a great deal ofmoney at a very young
              age. Too often, some manager squanders the athlete's fortune and
              they wind up in their thirties with nothing left but their past glory

              - and are forced to get jobs just to survive."

       We Want To Teach You To Fish

           Donald Trump and I do not sell fish. We do not sell investment advice
       or tell people what to invest in. We are teachers. We want you to learn how
       to become rich, invest your own money and become your own financial
       expert. We want to teach you to fish for yourself

       Rich Dad's Secret

           As I mentioned before, many rich people are secretive. I didn't realize
       how much so until my rich dad'sfamily asked me to keep their name out of
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