Page 53 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 53


          What the diagram shows isthat the rich are getting richer, and everyone
       else is getting poorer, even though many people are making more money.
       Unfortunately, the United States is not the only country heading in this
       direction. Many world economies are becoming two-class societies: the rich
       and the poor ... classesor masses.
          The April 16, 2006, Sunday edition ofThe New lOrk Times ran a front-
       page article with the headline:

              "Revival in Japan Brings Widening ofEconomic Gap"

          The second paragraph ofthe article states:

              "Today, in a country whose view ofitself was once captured in the
              slogan, '100 million, all-middle class society,' catchphrases harshly
              sort people into 'winners' and 'losers: and describeJapan asa 'society
              ofwidening disparities.'''

          Inother words, the middle classis being wiped out. Today inJapan,you
       areeither rich or poor, a financial winner or a financial loser.The same thing
       ishappening in America and in many European countries.

       The Price OfA Low Financial IQ

          In my conversations with Donald Trump, we agreed that we cannot
       solve today's complex financial challenges with yesterday's financial
       intelligence. Ifwe as a nation attempt to solve Social Security and Medicare
       bygivingpeople more entitlement payouts, the golden goose will be cooked
       and eaten, and there will be no more golden eggs.
          The reason why we write, speak and create educational games and other
       products is because we want people to become rich and solve their own
       financial problems rather than expect others to solve their problems for
       them. We both agreed that by giving people money, we only made the
       problem bigger, harder to solve and more dangerous.
          Simply said, America is on its way to becoming a well-educated nation
       of rich people and poor people. The middle class is becoming extinct. The
       problem is our nation is filled with people like my poor dad - a good man,
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