Page 54 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 54


                                                                              well-educated,   hard-working,     yet
                                                     There are many           expecting the government to take care of
                                                                              him when he retired.
                                                      definitions for
                                                                                  We've mentioned that in a few years,
                                                  intelligence. One of        the first ofapproximately 7S million baby
                                                   the more practical         boomers will begin to retire. This is the
                                                   ones I learned from        first generation that has contributed fully

                                                     my rich dad is,          to Social Security and Medicare. The
                                                   "Intelligen~e is the
                                                     ability to solve             There are two more problems: Since
                                                        problems."            we do not teach much about money in

                                                      - Robfnt 7) Kiyosaki    schools, many of those 75 million do not
                                                 ~~li1•••••••• ~~''~      ;   know what a Ponzi scheme it is. Secondly,

                                                                              since most did contribute fully, they
                                                 deserve to be paid. But ifeach (of the 75 million baby boomers) begins to
                                                 collect just $1,000 a month in Social Security and Medicare benefits, the
                                                 total added to the u.s. government's payroll is $75 billion a month. This is
                                                 similar to the cost of one Hurricane Katrina or one Iraq War -  every
                                                 month. The good news is you still have time to prepare and avoid becoming
                                                 a victim ofthe coming financial hurricanes ... but not much time.

                                                    In Sunday School, I was taught:

                                                        Give aperson afish andyoufeed himfor a day. And that is what we
                                                        as a nation have been doing. This is the entitlement mentality of
                                                        Social Security and Medicare.

                                                        Teachaperson tofish andyoufeedhimfor life. This is what Donald
                                                        and I have been doing. We want people to learn to be rich and teach
                                                        others to be rich.

                                                    In Teach To Be Rich, a product I created to assist our CASHFLOW
                                                 Clubs in teaching others to be rich, I talk about how some people do not
                                                want to give people fish or teach others to fish ... instead they sell people

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