Page 278 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
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                   Job growth, market cycles and, 18–21,   Licenses, due diligence and, 129
                       30, 32–33                     Limited liability company (LLC)
                     resale timing and, 232–233           partnership, 181
                                                     List brokers, 45–46
                   Keogh accounts, investing with, 174  Listing agreement, 243–245
                                                     Litigation attorney, 204–205
                   Land, low-cost, and market cycles, 31–32  Loan documents, reviewing seller’s
                   Land use                               during due diligence, 118
                     changes in, 27–28               Loans, types of, 164–168
                     market cycles and, 24–25         bridge, 166
                   Laundry service contracts, 120     construction, 165
                   Leases, forced appreciation and, 12  conventional, 165
                   Leases in place, 74–77             government, 165
                   Legal description of property, in loan   hard-money, 167–168
                       application package, 171       mezzanine, 165–166
                   Legal due diligence, 114, 126–130. See   private, 166–167
                       also Attorneys                 SBA, 166
                     building code violations, 127   Local banks, repositioning projects and,
                     estoppel letters, 129–130          163, 164
                     insurance, 128                  Local governments

                     licenses, certificates of occupancy,   assessors’ office and direct mailings,
                       permits, 129                     45–46
                     local ordinances, 128–129        employment incentives and, 19
                     service contracts and, 120       incentives for corporations, 31–32
                     vendor contracts, 129           Local ordinances, due diligence and,
                     zoning certifi cations, 128         128–129
                   Lenders. See also Financing       Local paradigm, 30
                     conduit, 164                    Location of property
                     local banks, 163, 164            bad deal recognition and, 144–145
                     national, 163, 164               as component of value, 72–73
                     term sheet of, 111              Locations, for negotiation, 96–97
                     timing of loan commitment letter   Locks, replacing after ownership
                       from, 131–132                    changes, 136
                   Letter of intent (LOI) contents,, 140, 203
                       87–94                         Low-interest loans, market cycles
                     access, 94                         and, 31
                     assignment to third party, 93   Loyalty, giving and getting, 193–194
                     closing, 93
                     commissions, 94                 Mailings. See Direct mail
                     deposit, 92                     Maintenance issues
                     inspection period, 91–92         property manager’s role and, 214–215,
                     property address, 88               220–221
                     purchase price, 88–90            reviewing seller’s records before
                     risk avoidance and, 142              ownership change, 121
                     time frame, 90–91               Maintenance specialist, on property
                     title policy, 93                   team, 210–211


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