Page 274 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 274


                   Brokers. See List brokers; Mortgage   Classes of properties
                       brokers                        defi ned, 78
                   Building code violations, checking for, 127  property managers and, 216
                   Building Owners and Managers      Closing
                         Association, 55, 223         asking seller about, 98
                   Business risk, 158                 escrow agent and, 132–133
                   Buyer, researching of, 247–249     in letter of intent, 93
                   Buyer’s agency agreement, 244      preparing for ownership change after,
                   Buyers’ market, phases of, 17–21     135–136
                                                      scheduling of, 134–135
                   Cable/Internet service contracts, 120  title insurance and, 133
                   Capital expenses                   when reselling, 250–252
                     defi ned, 63                     Closing attorney, 204
                     due diligence and seller’s, 91  Coachability, 194
                     replacement reserves and, 76    Code enforcement offi cers, 128
                     resale and, 237                 Collections
                   Capital improvement and maintenance   paying attention to, 154
                       log, reviewing seller’s during due   resale and, 236
                       diligence, 120                Comfort zone, leaving daily, 185
                   Capitalization rate               Commercial leases, types of, 75–76
                     deal analysis and, 64           Commercial real estate
                     income valuation methods and,    defi ned, 1–2
                       70–71                          lack of competition for, 5–6
                   Cash and terms offer, 107          psychological barriers to investing
                   Cash fl ow                            in, 2–3
                     advantages and opportunities in   reasons to invest in, 3–8

                         commercial real estate, 6–7  ways to make profit from, 9–15
                     debt service and, 65, 153, 162  Commissions
                     letter of intent provisions and, 89–90  in letter of intent, 94
                     new sources of, 198–199          in listing agreement, 245
                     subcontractor payments and, 189  resale and, 242–243
                     before taxes, 66–67             Commitments, importance of keeping, 48
                     value and multiples of, 12      Commodore Hotel, New York, 37
                   Cash offers, 107, 162             Comparable method, of property
                   Cash-on-cash return, deal analysis and,     valuation, 70
                       64, 65                        Competition
                   Certificates of occupancy, due diligence   finding less in commercial real estate,

                       and, 129                         5–6
                   Certified Commercial Investment     mentioning during negotiation, 105

                         Member (CCIM), 203          Condominiums
                   Certified property inspector, 122   moratoriums on building of, 28–29

                   Certified Property Manager (CPM), 217  parking requirements for, 77
                   Character traits, of successful persons, 194  Conduit lenders, 164
                   Claim history, reviewing seller’s during   Conforming loans, 165
                       due diligence, 120            Construction loans, 165


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