Page 275 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 275


                   “Contract,” avoiding use of word, 97  direct mailings, 57–58
                   Contractors, on property team, 209–210  government agencies, 58
                   Conventional loans, 165            Internet, 57
                   Cost method, of property valuation, 71–72  property ownership associations,
                   Courthouses, as source of deals, 56  54–55
                   Credit history                     real estate brokers, 53–54
                     personal, 168                    real estate investment clubs, 55
                     of potential renters, 75        Debt. See also Financing
                   Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 190      assumption of existing, 172–177
                   Cycles of market, 16–17            using prudently, 162
                     buyers’ market, 17–20           Debt coverage ratio
                     demand drivers and, 25–27        deal analysis and, 66
                     finding property in right phase of, 186  negotiation and, 108–109

                     land use and, 24–25              risk avoidance and, 153–154
                     resale timing and, 232–233      Debt partnerships, 176–177
                     risk avoidance and, 148–149     Debt service
                     seller’s market, 22–23           cash flow and, 162

                     signals of change in, 31–33      deal analysis and, 65
                     signals of coming strong, 33–36  Decisiveness, 194
                     supply drivers and, 27–30       Deferred maintenance
                                                      occupancy rates and, 151
                   Deadline, in negotiations, 104–105  property repositioning and, 12–13
                   Deal team, 202–205                 reviewing seller’s record during due
                     attorneys, 204–205                 diligence, 121
                     real estate brokers, 202–204     risk avoidance and, 144
                   Deals. See also Deal team; Deals, sources of  Delegation. See also Skill multipliers
                     advantage of full pipeline of, 47–48  risk avoidance and, 156–157
                     benefits of attracting, not chasing,   to smart persons, 184

                       41–42                          three things you cannot delegate,
                     common early mistakes in, 52–53    187–188
                     direct mail and, 44–47          Demand
                     focus on deal, not deal-maker, 3–4  drivers of, 25–27
                     importance of system to, 50–52   in seller’s market, 22–23
                     making time for, 38–41          Demographics, 14–15
                     recognizing motivated sellers, 42–44  demand and, 26
                     rules for doing business with anyone,   as market indicator, 33–34
                       48–50                          neighborhood cycles and, 10–11
                     secrets to fi nding, 48–50       Deposit
                   Deals, reading of. See Value,      in letter of intent, 92
                       calculating of                 as percentage of purchase price, 111
                   Deals, sources of                 Depreciation, of expenses, 63
                     acquaintances, 59–60            Direct mail
                     attorneys, 56                    business growth and, 198
                     bank-owned property listings, 58–59  response rates and, 44–45
                     courthouse records, 56           as source of deals, 57–58


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