Page 279 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
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                   Map to property, in loan application   Motivated sellers, learning to recognize,
                       package, 171                     42–44, 99
                   Marginal deals, failure and, 151–152  Multi-Family Millions (Lindahl), 13, 79
                   Market segments, 4–5              Multiple offers, being ready to make,
                   Marketer, on home team, 201–202      107–108
                   Marketing, 198, 228               Multiplier Effect, 21
                   Markets, hodge-podge nature of, 4
                   Markets, reading signals of, 16–17  National Association of Apartment
                     buyers’ market, 17–20              Owners, 55
                     demand drivers, 25–27           National economy, demand and, 25–26
                     land use and, 24–25             National lenders, 163, 164
                     seller’s market, 22–23          Negotiation
                     signals of change in, 31–33      avoiding quick deal, 112
                     signals of coming strong, 33–36  directly with real estate brokers,
                     supply drivers, 27–30              100–102
                   Master lease options, 175          directly with sellers, 94–100
                   Master plan, of local community, 19  tips for effective, 97–100, 103–111
                   Media, demand and, 26              tips for price negotiating, 95–96
                   Mezzanine loans, 165–166          Net lease, 75
                   Modified gross lease, 75           Net operating income (NOI)

                   Momentum plays, 78                 capitalization rate and, 64

                   Monday Morning Report, of          cash flow valuation and, 12
                         management company, 157      cash-on-cash return and, 65
                     elements of, 225–226             debt coverage ratio and, 66
                   Money multipliers                  defi ned, 63
                     assumption of debt, 172–177      income valuation methods and, 70–71
                     common mistakes of, 161–162      resale and, 236–238
                     investors and, 177–181          “No,” leaving seller room to say, 96
                     loan approvals, 168–172         No-money-down arrangements,
                     loan types, 164–168                  avoiding, 59, 161
                     sources of, 163–164             Non-recourse loans, 168
                   Money team, 205–208
                     mortgage brokers and, 206       Obsolescence, supply and, 29
                     private investors and, 206–207  Occupancy rates
                   Monthly operating statements, 116  maintenance issues and, 151, 154–155
                   Month-to-month trending report, deal   property manager’s role and, 214,
                       analysis and, 69                 220, 221
                   Moratoriums on buildings, supply and, 28  Offers, making regularly, 139–141,
                   Mortgage brokers                     190–191
                     deal analysis and, 84–85        Off-market deals, 50
                     due diligence and, 115          Onassis, Aristotle, 251
                     financing and, 164               Open listing, 246

                     on money team, 206              Operating account, maintaining access
                   Mortgage principal, reducing to build   to, 222
                       equity, 9                     Operating expenses, 63
                   Mortgage-backed securities, 164    resale and, 237


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