Page 56 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 56
This factor can cause problems for an otherwise great location. If you
can see a property from the highway and it gets a huge daily traffi c
count, you ’ re halfway there. If drivers cannot figure out how to get to
your property, you will lose a great deal of business.
I own a Class A property in Brownsville, Texas. There is only one
other A property in the market. My property has the best location
because you can access it easily from the highway. My competitor is
highly visible, but no one can figure out how to get to him! What
a shame.
If people can ’ t get to a property, they quickly get frustrated and
stop trying. I ’ ve got another property in a different market: It can be
reached from three different directions, but there is no one easy way .
We have to market extra hard to keep the property full, and that cuts
into my profi ts. It ’ s been an expensive lesson that I have now thor-
oughly mastered — and am handing to you!
By the way, just because you have a property located at an intersec-
tion, do not assume it is a great site. You must watch for problems
entering and exiting that property, including backed - up traffic at the
intersection. Even when you see an open path, you must fi rst check
with the city and sometimes state (if it ’ s a state highway) to make sure
there are no restrictions on turning off and onto that road.
In the Next Chapter
If you ’ ve been paying attention, you now know more than a great
many commercial investors who simply follow the crowd, and end up
buying properties in mediocre markets, or worse.
Once you ’ ve identifi ed some good markets, the next step is to get
your deal - attraction engine humming, so that you see opportunity
after opportunity in those markets and can cherry - pick the best. That ’ s
what the next chapter is about.
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