Page 61 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 61

Ho w to Become a Deal Magnet

                         Yes, all this was a pain. I could have been watching the Red Sox
                   lose more games (this was well before they became regular champi-
                   ons). I could have slept in on Sunday morning. I even had to plan my
                   landscaping jobs so I could clean myself up and take the brokers to
                   lunch. But I also could see that strong - box of Ebenezer ’ s out there,
                   waiting for me to unearth it! Pretty soon the cashier ’ s checks from deal
                   after deal were enough to motivate me  big time .

                           The Second Time Principle: Getting Started in Real
                       Estate Investing Takes Less Time than You Might Think

                     You do  not  have to come home after work, change your clothes and hit
                   the streets, knocking on doors. You do  not  have to bang the phones
                   every night, calling dozens of ads. What you do have to put in place is
                   an agreement with yourself to invest a small amount of time regularly,
                   until you start to see movement toward your goals.

                         Notice I said  “ Getting started in  real estate investing. . . . ”  Once
                   you ’ re rolling with a deal or two in different stages of completion,
                   of course it will take more time. But you ’ ll be so excited with the
                     prospect of a deal paying off that you ’ ll easily make the time at that
                         The major mistake most real estate gurus make is to urge people
                   to carve out many hours per week for real estate, right from the get -
                     go. That ’ s an unrealistic expectation, doomed to failure.
                         So start out making forward motion every day on the key, high -
                     payoff activities I ’ m about to show you.

                                    Don ’ t Chase Deals — ATTRACT Them

                     You shouldn ’ t be like the dog, chasing his tail, getting worn out, and
                   never quite reaching his goal. The real professionals attract deals.
                         This is not simply a choice of different words: It ’ s an extremely
                   powerful marketing concept.


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