Page 62 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 62


                         Think what happens when you bang the phones and knock on
                   doors: You ’ re faced with enormous amounts of rejection. You may get
                   a polite  “ No thanks, ”  or you may get a  “ Get the % $ #*@ off my porch,
                   you % $ #*@. ”  A friend of mine has had guns pulled on him and was
                   chased down the street by a junkyard dog.
                         You may say:  No problemo, Dave, I ’ m tough. I can handle it.
                         No you can ’ t. Sooner or later it will wear away your insides and you ’ ll

                   find the path of least resistance. You ’ ll convince yourself that commercial
                   real estate doesn ’ t work, or it ’ s not the right time in your market. Those
                   are just variations on the old  My Dog Ate My Homework  set of excuses.
                         I can ’ t really blame these failed investors, because they went about
                   it the wrong way. When you have marketing systems that allow you
                   only to hear from motivated sellers, your life is far more pleasant.
                         What you do is put out the word that you ’ re looking for real estate,
                   and the only responses you get are from the people who are at least
                   somewhat motivated.
                         Don ’ t get me wrong: You still will talk to a lot of tire - kickers. They
                   may  want  to sell now, but do not yet  need  to sell. That ’ s okay. The key
                   thing is they called you.
                         Even the few calls you may make to classifi ed ads are in this cate-
                   gory. After all, you didn ’ t make them put the ad in the paper. They
                   wanted people to call them.
                         When you make small but consistent efforts in attracting sellers
                   through proven marketing techniques, you ’ re not on a breathless
                   sprint to failure, but on a sustainable path to wealth.

                             An Easy Way to Recognize the Motivated Seller

                     Even if you get a certain number of duds contacting you, it ’ s still possi-
                   ble to be highly efficient with your time and find the gems.

                         The trick is to recognize quickly when you have a mere tire - kicker
                   and when you have a real prospect. All you have to do is ask three


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