Page 64 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 64
In my living room is a bright - green sequined frog. I got it in the
Cincinnati airport. It ’ s a reminder that I became successful in com-
mercial real estate because I was willing to kiss a lot of frogs. They ’ re
also known as unmotivated sellers .
I still kiss these frogs today, by spending a moment asking them
these three questions. Sure enough, some of these frogs turn into
princely deals!
A Simple and Inexpensive Way to Start Seeing
Deals Immediately
As I hinted earlier, one of the fastest ways to get your deal - attraction
machine cranking is to do direct mail.
Yes, we all consider it junk mail, but no, we don ’ t all throw it away.
If we did, then those very smart and very rich companies would have
long ago stopped sending us credit card offers.
The stuff works — if it ’ s done correctly. Most business owners are
incompetent at using direct mail, then blame their failure on the tool,
and not on themselves. Hey, that ’ s fine with me. It thins the herd.
Even when direct mail is done right, it ’ s still a numbers game.
Depending on the offer and many other factors, you might only get 1
response out of 100 letters. That ’ s okay, because that lousy one percent
can make you very wealthy.
If you ’ re reliably getting a response, then you can ramp up your
mailing. Now when you send 1,000 letters, you ’ ll maybe get ten peo-
ple to call you. Of those callers, perhaps only two to three will be seri-
ous sellers. That ’ s also okay, because one single deal can make you a lot
of money. It will more than pay for the hundreds or thousands of
letters that didn ’ t generate a response.
What Is a Good Response Rate?
I get that question all the time. The response rate doesn ’ t matter: It all
comes down to your return on investment , also known as your ROI .
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