Page 65 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 65

Ho w to Become a Deal Magnet

                   If you had a 100 percent response from all your letters, but never did a
                   deal, I would call that a lousy ROI. On the other hand, let ’ s say you
                   only get one reply for 1,000 letters. That ’ s a one - tenth of a percent
                   response rate. But say that deal brings you  $ 35,000 in profi ts. I ’ d say
                   your ROI is pretty good!

                       Consider the Source

                     The source of your list is one very important factor in your direct - mail
                   success. Go to your city assessor ’ s office, where all the tax rolls are

                   kept. By law, much of that information is open to public view. Ask for
                   a list of all commercial property owners.
                         Sometimes the assessor ’ s office will give you a difficult time about

                   getting the list. You might be the first person to have asked in a long
                   time, or your request means extra copying work for someone. Be extra
                   friendly but persistent. In my experience, most people at these offi ces
                   around the country are very friendly and have a helpful attitude.
                         Sometimes the offi ce won ’ t provide you with the list, but will refer
                   you to a list broker. These people make their livelihood from main-
                   taining lots of mailing lists for practically anything.
                         When I have a choice, I like to get my list from the assessor ’ s offi ce
                   because it is the most current.
                         I recently had a call from a student who was looking for help to
                   analyze an offi ce deal. She had sent out her fi rst direct mail campaign
                   and was surprised at the amount of response she got. She not only had

                   an interested seller for an office building but sellers for two apartment
                   complexes as well.
                         Some areas respond better than others, just as some letters work
                   better than others. The keys to success are to keep mailing, and tweak

                   your mailings until you find success. Try a different headline, use some
                   local news item in the letter to make it clear you ’ re a local investor,
                   and so on.

                         Sometimes I ’ ll ask a list broker to find people who have owned
                   their properties for 20 years or more. These people have used a large


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