Page 72 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 72
addresses on thousands of envelopes, you know that pretty soon it will
be at the very bottom of your to - do list — the part you never get to.
You can go through the pain of creating your own systems, or you
can simply find someone who ’ s been down that road and created them
already. That ’ s the smart way to set up your business.
Successful People at First Make This Mistake
After you get and launch your marketing machine, you ’ ll be talking
with many sellers and doing deals regularly. You will reach the point
where you have too many deals to handle. Your first temptation will be
to turn off your buying machine.
Don ’ t do it.
If you ’ ve ever been on a really large cruise ship, you know that it
takes a very long time for the ship to get up to speed. That ’ s the trade-
off for having the power to cross an ocean. Your marketing machine is
just like that cruise ship. It will take continuous effort by you and your
team to get it up to cruising speed.
If you shut it off while you ’ re busy with deals this month, the
engine room will be stone cold by the time you realize two months
from now that you ’ re running low on new deals. Now you ’ ll try to
restart your marketing engine, but it will take another couple of
months to get back up to speed again. You ’ ll suffer in the meantime.
You are much better off keeping that pipeline full, and using your
network to make you even more money: You can count on other inves-
tors not having well - oiled marketing machines. Most don ’ t have a
machine of any kind, and they ’ re dying for new deals. So when you
have one you just can ’ t handle, go to your local real estate investing
association. At the beginning of the meeting it ’ s typical for people to
stand up and describe the deals they have, deals they ’ re looking for,
and financing they need.
Wear a bright shirt or dress and give your one - minute description
of a deal. Then stand in the back of the room and watch the investors
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