Page 69 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 69
Ho w to Become a Deal Magnet
• Does she need help setting up the appraisal, meeting an
inspector, or getting paperwork signed off?
• If she ’ s waiting on a check from you, consider wiring the money
so it ’ s there instantly instead of waiting for the mail to arrive and
for the check to clear.
• Is she short - handed in some way? Think creatively about how
you can help to get some of her tasks done.
It ’ s all about exceeding expectations and then becoming a topic of
conversation. She may then tell her friend: “ You won ’ t believe what
just happened; I had to slog over to meet the inspector at this property,
and Dave actually volunteered to do it for me! That ’ s the first time a
buyer has ever volunteered to do that! ”
It ’ s not about thinking what ’ s your job and what ’ s the seller ’ s job.
It ’ s instead about thinking what jobs does the seller have that you could
help with. Are you required to do it? No. Are you even expected to do
it? No. But it ’ s just those situations where your doing the task will
impress the daylights out of the other person.
I am not suggesting that you become the errand - boy for the other
party. I ’ m suggesting that you look for ways to distinguish yourself and
stand out from the competition. Following this rule is one of the fast-
est ways to do so.
Rule 3: Don ’ t Be a Pain in the Butt
Some investors like to negotiate every little point, thinking they ’ re
impressing others by being tough negotiators. Other investors do so
because they ’ re just cheap. Either way, it ’ s a great method for doing
single deals with people who will never want to work with you again.
Why? There are plenty of other investors and life is too short to
be nickel - and - dimed to death, especially if you ’ re selling something
of value.
Let ’ s say a primo deal is up for sale. The seller calls an experienced
broker and asks to have the property put on the market. However, the
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