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                               Achievers                        Artists
                                 habits and results, 143–145      attributes of, 43–44
                                 higher self and, 27–29           See also specific artists
                                 results, 143–145               Audience
                                 traits of, 94                    common denominators
                                 See also Success                   and, 157–158
                               Adaptation, 23, 24–25              knowing, 157–159
                                 See also Flexibility
                               Aesop, 105                       Barrack, Tom, 161–168
                               Apprentice, The                  BBC, 114
                                 as challenge, 110, 148–149     Beethoven, Ludwig van,
                                 description/tasks, 19–20,          43–44, 102
                                   36, 63, 105–106, 122, 123    Bell, Alexander Graham, 41
                                 experience and, 139–140        Bellino, Ricardo, 61–62
                                 positive thinking and, 140     “Big picture,” 23, 24–25, 56,
                                 success and, 89, 178               58, 101–103
                                 team spirit and, 11–12,        Biorhythms, 69–70
                                   66–67                        Blaming others, 66
                               Aristotle, 39, 40, 132, 143, 144  Brand name
                               Art                                building, 31–32, 169–171,
                                 life as performance art, 157,      174
                                   158–159                        importance of, 31–32, 78,
                                 work as, 8, 27–28, 43–45           122, 174
                               Art of the Deal, The (Trump),      See also Power of a name;
                                   8, 44                            Trump name
                               Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 33    Brave New World (Huxley), 48

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