Page 211 - Think Like a Champion
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                                 Brokaw, Tom, 11–12              Conversation economizing,
                                 Buck, Pearl S., 35                  61–63
                                 Buffet, Warren, 145             Creativity
                                 Building. See Developing/         business and, 60, 84
                                     building                      going against the tide,
                                 Burnett, Mark, 28, 58, 148,         135–137
                                     155, 178                      See also Art; Artists
                                 Bush, George W., 1              Cross training your brain, 59
                                                                 Curiosity, 94, 131
                                 Calamari, Matthew, 182
                                 Campbell, Joseph, 113           Da Vinci, Leonardo, 28, 132
                                 Camus, Albert, 27               Darwin, Charles, 23
                                 Carter, Dominic, 1              De Gaulle, Charles, 136
                                 Cashflow Quadrant (Kiyosaki),   Deadlines, 62
                                    85                           Deficit of U.S., 2
                                Cavuto, Neal, 82, 83             Demographics, 4
                                Challenges                       Dempsey, Jack, 39
                                  dealing with, 94               Developing/building
                                  effects of, 19                   background work, 20, 21,
                                  significance of, 27, 110            44
                                  The Apprentice as, 110,          golf courses, 15, 37, 59,
                                    148–149                          113–115, 141, 156, 170
                                Champions                          learning and, 15, 16–17
                                  attributes of, 39, 40–41         mixed-use condominium/
                                  thinking like, 39–41               hotel concept, 7, 8,
                                Chanel, 78                           173–174
                                Churchill, Winston, 32, 58,        See also specific developments
                                    102, 103
                                Clear Channel, 29                Economizing conversations,
                                Comfort zone, 27, 136, 141           61–63
                                    Commercials, 123–124         Education. See Learning
                                Common denominators,                 Efficiency, 178–179
                                    157–158                      Ego, 78
                                Confucius, 61, 97, 99            Einstein, Albert, 23, 109, 111,
                                Control, 65–66, 132                  131, 132, 133, 147

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