Page 18 - How To Get Rich
P. 18

got very good grades at school, I do not have time to be a scholar. Still, it’s
                something  I  aspire  to  in  my  quiet  time.  Possibilities  unfold.  The  world
                opens up.
                     My sister Maryanne introduced me to the writings of Aldous Huxley.

                He was such a learner that when he was faced with near-total blindness as
                a  young  man,  he  learned  braille  and  continued  his  studies  anyway.  His
                description  of  this  predicament  had  not  a  trace  of  self-pity.  In  fact,  he
                mentioned that it had offered some benefits: He could now read in bed at
                night and his hands would never get cold because he could read with his
                hands under the covers.
                     Learning begets learning. I’d rather be stimulated than passive.

                     You  can’t  wear  a  blindfold  in  business.  A  regular  part  of  your  day
                should be devoted to expanding your horizons.
                     We  live  in  a  big  world,  and  it  is  important  for  us  to  be  aware  of
                cultures other than our own. I have always lived in the United States, but I
                make an effort to be informed about other cultures. That’s easy to do in
                New York City, the most diverse and exciting place on earth.

                     Someone who had been living abroad for a few years told me, upon
                returning  home,  that  a  frequent  comment  about  Americans  is  that  you
                always know exactly where we’re coming from. The flip side of this is that
                we rarely know whereanyone else is coming from. We’re very much up to
                snuff  about  our  own  national  events,  but  we  are  less  aware  of  what’s
                happening  in  other  countries.  All  of  us  need  to  pay  more  attention  to
                events outside our own realm. We are connected to each other in so many

                ways—politically, commercially, socially. Perhaps one of the reasons I’ve
                been  able  to  sell  and  rent  apartments  to  people  of  so  many  foreign
                nationalities  is  that  I’ve  made  an  effort  to  understand  where  they’re
                coming from.
                     Learn something new, whether you think you’re interested in it or not.

                That’s the opposite of having a closed mind—or a closed door. I can thank
                my father for the example he set. It was the key to his remaining young
                and dynamic into his nineties. It can do the same for you, if you make the

                     Think Big and Live Large
                     This is the final rule of the Donald J. Trump School of Business and
                Management. Once you have mastered it, you are ready to graduate.
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