Page 15 - How To Get Rich
P. 15

it a chance to unfold. Most people don’t like to stagnate, and if you want
                to keep your company moving forward, look around you now and then for
                fresh possibilities within your organization. Never let someone’s job title
                be the sole indication of their worth.

                     People at The Trump Organization have transcended their positions on
                many  occasions.  Matthew  Calamari,  the  executive  vice  president  of
                operations, started as a security guard. After getting to know Matthew, I
                realized he had a lot more to offer than his job title warranted, and he has
                proven me right. He’s a dedicated and trustworthy worker, and any CEO in
                his right mind would want to have him around. As an executive VP, he is
                in charge of building operations and runs my entire security organization.

                He is in charge of major building projects, with his brother Michael and
                Andy  Weiss.  Their  most  notable  recent  accomplishment  is  the  new
                building on the site of the former Delmonico Hotel at Park Avenue  and
                Fifty-ninth Street. I’m calling it Trump Park Avenue. Catchy, right?
                     Vinnie  Stellio,  who  was  hired  by  Matthew  Calamari,  started  as  my
                bodyguard and is now a vice president. He has just what it takes to be an

                effective  executive,  which  was  clear  to  me,  if  not  immediately  to  him.
                Vinnie  would  often  drive  executives,  architects,  and  contractors  up  to
                Westchester to look at developments I was building. Now they report to
                him. I am perhaps the largest owner of land in Westchester County, and
                now it’s Vinnie who keeps his eye on it all.
                     With  Matthew  Calamari,  an  executive  vice  president  at  The  Trump

                     John  Tutolo,  president  of  Trump  Model  Management,  our  modeling
                agency, started as a booker and now has what many guys would consider a
                dream job.
                     Meredith McIver, who made the writing of this book a pleasure instead
                of a headache, started out as a media assistant. I recognized that her talents

                encompassed much more. Of course, it takes talent to deal with me and
                everyone else every day (but especially me). I could have hired an outside
                collaborator  to  help  me  with  this  book,  but  why  spend  time  looking
                outside  the  organization  when  you  have  all  the  people  you  need  right
                beside you?
                     Very  often,  your  resources  are  greater  than  you  might  think.  I  don’t
                like  it  when  people  underestimate  me,  and  I  try  not  to  underestimate
                anyone else, either. People are multifaceted, and it’s important to let them
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