Page 17 - How To Get Rich
P. 17

as a leader should be used in the most positive way, which sometimes calls
                for a great deal of restraint as well as patience. I have to laugh when I hear
                people  say,  I  can’t  wait  until  I’m  the  big  shot  so  I  can  order  everyone
                around. It doesn’t quite work that way.

                     Abraham  Lincoln  made  an  appropriate  remark  that  is  pertinent  to
                management: Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a
                man’s character, give him power.

                     Keep Your Door Open
                     I’m always taken aback when people say, Oh, he’s got it made, as if
                that’s the end of the conversation about a person. They seem to be saying

                that the person can just check out and coast because he’s already arrived.
                     To me, arriving means something is about to begin. Graduation from
                college is a beginning, not an ending. Each success is the beginning of the
                next one.
                     Learning is a new beginning we can give ourselves every day.
                     A know-it-all is like a closed door. Everyone who knows me knows I

                keep  the  door  to  my  office  open.  It’s  symbolic  of  the  way  I  choose  to
                think, and it’s the way I operate. My father was much the same. He once
                said to me, You know, the more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know. I
                think that has kept me young at heart more than anything else. It was an
                offhand comment, a quiet realization he mentioned to me one day while he
                was reading, but it has stuck with me for decades.
                     Every day is a reminder to me of how much I don’t know. Everything I

                learn leads me to something else I didn’t know. Fortunately, I don’t pride
                myself  on  being  a  know-it-all,  so  every  day  becomes  a  new  challenge.
                People  ask  me  what  keeps  me  going,  and  this  is  probably  the  closest
                answer to the truth. If I end the day without knowing more than I did when
                I woke  up,  it  makes  me  wonder:  What  did  I  miss  out  on  today?  Am  I

                getting lazy? I am a disciplined person, and this thought alone can get me
                     Looking for a raise? Come on in.
                     We’ve all heard the phrasecreature of habit. That can be good or bad,
                depending on your habits. I’ve cultivated the learning habit over the years,
                and it’s one of the most pleasurable aspects of my life. Everyone in my
                family knows I’m big on education—not just Ivy League education, but all
                education, and for people of all ages. That also applies to me, and while I
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