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permeates throughout the hearts and minds of everyone in the organization
                and then to the outside world. The best brands become part of our DNA.

                When SEAL Team Six (ST6) killed Osama Bin Laden, the power of their
                brand echoed throughout the world. Many people who had not heard of the
                SEALs were saying, “Who are those guys?” Since the SEALs abide by a

                code  of  silence,  their  deadly  silence  has  made  their  brand  even  more
                powerful. What does that say about businesses that simply bombard us all
                with  meaningless,  loud,  obnoxious  advertising?  It  means  they  are  not
                building a brand. It means they are being a nuisance.

                One  of  the  greatest  brand-builders  of  all  times  was  Attila  the  Hun.  His
                brand preceded him so powerfully that opposing armies often surrendered
                before fighting him. Although he was the leader of the Huns from 434 to

                453 A.D., people still speak of Attila today. That is brand power, and proof
                that a brand can build a legacy.

                Today,  entrepreneurs  such  as  Steve  Jobs  of  Apple,  Mark  Zuckerberg  of
                Facebook, and Sergey Brin of Google are modern Attilas who are building
                their brands and their legacies. They have built some of the most powerful
                brands in world history. When Jobs, Zuckerberg, or Brin move, the world
                shakes and businesses are forced to change or die.

                Even  criminal  organizations  have  brands.  For  example,  the  name  Cosa
                Nostra brings fear into people everywhere. The same is true for the Yakuza
                of  Japan.  In  the  world  of  drugs,  the  Cali  cartel  and  Medellin  cartel  of
                Colombia were and are known as leaders in the cocaine trade.

                Crooks also have brands. The name Bernie Madoff was once golden in the
                world  of  the  rich  and  famous.  Today,  he  is  infamous  for  operating  the

                biggest Ponzi scheme in history. Could the name Bernie Madoff become
                more famous than Charles Ponzi, the person the Ponzi scheme was named
                after?  Time  will  tell  if,  in  a  few  years,  what  were  once  called  Ponzi
                schemes become known as “Madoff schemes.” In many ways, the name
                Bernie “Madoff” better describes the crime!

                It’s important to realize the power and value of a brand. Kathy emphasizes
                you have to be willing to do what it takes, in both time and money, before

                you begin the process. “Many leaders want to grow, they want to create
                great  companies,  but  not  all  of  them  are  willing  to  do  what  it  takes  to
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