Page 157 - Midas Touch
P. 157

Be careful when choosing partners. As they say, “Falling in love is easy.
                Staying in love is hard.” The problems begin once the honeymoon is over.
                If  you  cannot  solve  problems  together,  the  problems  only  pile  up.  In
                marriage and in business, it is easy to hate the people you once loved.

                So start with a buy-sell before becoming partners. We all have good sides

                and  bad  sides.  Simply  discussing  a  buy-sell  may  allow  you  to  see  your
                potential partner’s real side, and your own.

                Only dreamers think relationships are always happy. All relationships have
                disagreements.  If  you  have  good  partners,  your  disagreements  can  be
                productive.  Many  times,  better  ideas  come  out  of  heated  discussions.
                However, if there are only arguments, fights, disagreements, and no better

                ideas  that  come  from  it  all,  the  partnership  is  a  bad  partnership.  When
                Larry Page and Sergey Brin first met, they disagreed on almost everything.
                Then they agreed on Google.

                How to Be a Good Partner
                You may notice on The Apprentice that Donald listens, watches, and asks
                questions more than he talks or bestows advice. This is what good leaders

                do.  Our  creator  gave  us  two  eyes,  two  ears,  and  only  one  mouth.  The
                message is: Listen more, observe more, and talk less. If people are only
                talking  and  no  one  is  listening,  the  business  has  very  big  problems.
                Leaders who talk, but fail to listen, are not good leaders.

                When  asking  an  investor  for  money,  it  is  best  to  speak  less  and  listen
                more. You will learn a lot about business by knowing what investors think
                is important.

                Working with Advisors
                Investors want to know who your advisors are. All public companies are
                required to have a board of directors. Even if you are not planning to take
                your business public, you should have a board of advisors. For example, if

                you are planning on starting a restaurant, you should have advisors who
                have successfully started and  operated a restaurant.  You also  need good
                legal and accounting advisors. Take your time choosing your advisors. Not
                all advisors are good advisors. Your advisory board can save you a lot of
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